Isn't that Ol' Wigger's house on TV?

"Turn on the news, you're not going to believe it,"

Friar Tuck was practically whacking off while delivering the bad news to the entire staff of the Lazy K. Ol' Wigger, who up to now has kept a low profile, was on TV. Well, not Ol' Wigger, but his house. For some reason, two thugs got the bright idea of going in and busting up the place, then pistol whipping the Wigger, demanding to know where he kept the money and other stuff that is apparently quite valuable and illegal to possess. The police came and shot the side of Ol' Wigger's house and both of the suspects. One died. Ol' Wigger is in the hospital.


Anonymous said...


I just bought a 73 honda CB 450, and it needs some work.

For one, it takes a lot to kick start. So, it might need a tune up.
Other things need fixing:

The electric starter
turn signals
neutral light
hi/lo beam

I am interested in getting all this fixed - When I get it running, it can really go.

Are you near Champaign? Please let me know what you can do, where you are, etc.

I am at 646 361 8029

Tyehimba Jess
Dept. of English
University of Illinois,
608 S. Wright Street
Urbana, IL 61801
217-333-2926 (office)
646-361-8029 (cell)

Anonymous said...

Who is Ol' Wigger again? I think I missed his story.

Anonymous said...

Re: Anonymous 11:02
Perhaps it is International week of the moron?