Riding Ms. Crazy

They always go for the fat ones.

At the Lazy K out east, there is a group of buyers that have switched from riding Shrads (spelled SRAD) to riding Busas. They pay cash, need the total out the door to be under $10,000, and put the title in their baby mama name, or a white strippers, o they gramma.

Then they chrome the shit out of the bike, paint it some God awful color only a colored fellow could love, put on a faux leopard skin seat, lower it, put dumbass lights everywhere and extend the swingarm, so they don't have to reach so far to drag they feet while they going through intersections.

One of the best repeat customers when he's out is Inky, who put a bra on the tank of his Busa so his bling don't scratch it, and like to drag his Nikes while he ride. Inky like the Fat Sneaky Bitch. Almost as much as he likes Sean John apparel and not taking the price tag off his baseball caps.

And the rock she worships told the FSB that Inky is her soulmate, and they will be together forever after the Ol Battleax figures out how she can divorce the Homeless Guy and leave him penniless and without a job.

But why wait? Recently, one of the salespeople found the FSB and Inky making out in the break room at the Lazy K out east. He was all up in that, they was french kissing and he was steaming her rolls. She was sweating and sounding crazier than she does when she talks back to the magic rock.

Inky gonna be a fine stepfather figure and roll model for the result of the FSB's copulating with the Homeless Guy. He can teach little dude all 'bout the metric system as it pertains to weights and measures and selling illicit substances. And he will be hooking up his dudes with Busas for less than $10G out the door, and register them in his other baby mama name.

Talk about things gonna start to disappear around the Lazy K. The FSB would be better off if she could marry the damn rock.


Anonymous said...

Could this brother drive a orange truck sittin on 24's and his name ryme with bump...but itstead of b there is a c&r....oh shit didn't think anyone saw that..Better hope the homeless guy doesn't find out.or that big brick palace will be his and back with mom and dad you go.....

Anonymous said...

honky says what?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Inky can run a dealership better than the Homeless Guy.

Anonymous said...

This time it's REAL love though!

Anonymous said...

"From: Freddy Fiffe madbloggah@yahoo.com
To: Rhino
Subject: Lazy K !
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 5:18 PM

Delete the myspace page you have control of. Just a little friendly advise for an illegal alien. Seeing that you already used your IP to sign in you are implicated in any future issues.

The Madbloggah"

OOOOO. I'm so scared. Good thing I check my Yahoo e-mail once a month.

Anonymous said...

Hey rhino looks like Freddy is Pertty pissed who cares if you are and illegal alien, you pay taxes just like me, and you have lived here since you were a baby, you grauated high school in the us and you have a ssn# so how are you so illegal? you didnt come here by your choice! May Be we should call the state highway patrol and let them know that freddy dates a drug addict , he is an officer of the law and knowly dating some one who abuses controled substances!! im emailing him to give him apice of my mind call me later Rhino Me

Anonymous said...

I love it when the comments descend into personal attacks

Anonymous said...

I knew she had jungle fever...

Anonymous said...

God, this is so awesome. I was wondering what FSB was doing with all of her free time. Jungle fever indeed! Why do the blacks love FAT women?

Anonymous said...

julie said...
" Why do the blacks love FAT women?"

Good credit?

Anonymous said...

I hear her beaver smells like mackerel right out of the can.

Anonymous said...

the blacks love THAT fat woman cuz she gotta big ole badonkadonk!!! did you know that she wears 3 pairs of underwear at a time?! Is it to hide the mackerel smell?

Anonymous said...

per the Better Business Bureau

-Ohio Attorney General's Office Consumer Protection Section at 614-466-8831 or 800-282-0515.

- Franklin County Common Pleas Court Civil Division Clerk of Courts at 614-462-3621 concerning case 06CVH-5-6442.