First it was the Tour Guide, who left to give a guided tour of better places to work and ended up in one, then the Rhino, who left for the doctor's office and never came back, and now Baby Hitler has jumped ship. Tits Ahoy has left the building. Nobody's seen Paco for a few days either.
Everybody's finally had enough of the Crazy Screaming Bitch.
Guess who's next.
I know, but I'm not telling.
Who's answering the phones? Is that the Meal Ticket standing by her man while her cousin stands behind him?
28 day trip to see Betty ought to be ordered up...soon they'll have all the time in the world...I hear thier having a little problem paying the floor plan...have you checked out the website..just come in no emails or phone calls...we will hire you if you just come in and fill out an application...LOSERS
I heard the website was being prometed at the lube on Wedsday nights......
Almost as dumb as your sister for making out with a brother when she married.But it does make sense you probally need a new hook up!!!!
To Anon 6:28:
It is quite obvious that you have found the keyboard for your computer. What you may not know is the key labeled “Shift” will prevent all of your text appearing in uppercase. Use of this key may prevent you from being labeled a SFC.
per the Better Business Bureau
-Ohio Attorney General's Office Consumer Protection Section at 614-466-8831 or 800-282-0515.
- Franklin County Common Pleas Court Civil Division Clerk of Courts at 614-462-3621 concerning case 06CVH-5-6442.
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