Closing Time?


The District Attorney issued the following news release:

District Attorney Sam Shady today sued all-terrain vehicle and motorcycle dealer Lazy K for routinely slipping bogus "freight" and "dealer" charges - sometimes totaling more than $600 - into sales contracts with its customers, violating state law.

Shady filed the lawsuit in Nirvana County Superior Court against the dealer, which also does business under the name Crusty, Inc., accusing it of numerous violations of the state's Consumer Sales Practices Act and the state Advertisement and Sale of Motor Vehicles Rule for routinely adding phony charges to the advertised Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Prices for ATVs and motorcycles it sold.

"Most consumers don't realize when retailers are adding an unauthorized charge to the legitimate cost of a purchase, and they end up paying much more than they should," Shady said. "Our lawsuit alleges this company routinely pulled a fast one on its customers and violated state laws and rules that clearly protect consumers from such deception."

The District Attorney asked the court for an injunction against the defendant, consumer restitution for the overcharges, and a civil penalty of $200,000, plus costs.

The District Attorney said the company violated state consumer protection laws and rules by failing to include in its advertised prices for motor vehicles all costs except for taxes, title and registration fees, and documentary service charges; failing to make vehicles available at advertised prices; failing to clearly disclose all material terms and conditions of its vehicle sales; charging for "freight" and for prepping vehicles for sale despite agreeing with manufacturers not to assess such charges; and charging for unspecified and unnecessary services that were never performed.


Anonymous said...

And the walls come tumbling down!
How well does the CSB flip burgers?

Anonymous said...

If CSB gonna flip dem burgers she best be coherent and standing verticle..

Unknown said...

Agreed, anomoneyatie is crucial.

Anonymous said...

does this same place screw a certain service writer out of a couple days pay in Feb.? because there paid salary and there's 28 days in Feb.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure when the CSB is interviewing for her new burger job, she'll be asking if her turd dumpin' mutt can hang out in the kitchen.

Anonymous said...

Oh dammmm, this is a good day! My super-sleuthing techniques have yielded the answer to my question of "Where the hell is this place?" Now the dealership is bookmarked and now I can check in regularly. What is this "No hidden costs" message on the home page? Somebody is shittin' down both legs right about now and it aint the dog.

Apparently Crazy said...

Damn... I found it, too. FINALLY, I know where you are. Remind me if I'm ever in the area NOT to purchase from there. SERIOUSLY.

Although it sort of made my day to see it, I thought I'd have a heart attack... then I saw the date on that report. Just great. Hopefully, it's sort of blown over by now so I can continue reading. I'm sure it'd be fairly impossible to find another job in a location as dysfunctional as this one!

Anonymous said...

After reading this blog, I must say it was funny at times but mostly just mean. If there was a Lazy K they would be lucky to be rid of this loser. Who has nothing positive to say about anyone or anything thing.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could work there just to experience all this stuff in person!

Anonymous said...

this happened over a year ago. Why the update now? Has anything new occured?

This specific family of dealers has lost suits worse than this in the past and refuses to die...I'm doubting this will stop them now.

Anonymous said...

Over a year ago? Hum, the AG’s report was for 2006 and released January 2007. I’m familiar with the internal workings of the government since I work for them. Things should just about be floating to the surface soon. It will probably take another 6 to 12 months before the full effect is felt by the Crusty clan.

Oh, Anonymous 9:32, would you like some peace, love and understanding with your sappy twaddle?

Anonymous said...

Hey, I just noticed something....

On the dealers website you can download wallpapers of bikes and somesuch. Why don't they have wallpapers/pictures of the asshats that work there?

Also, why is their service page completely blank?

I love this Blog!

Anonymous said...

No close-ups of the staff on the website, bummer.
By the way, search rants and raves on the area Craigslist. You'll see some stories.

Anonymous said...

I wanna see Tits Ahoy too!