At the mother ship, where the bikes are shipped and assembled before making their ways to the respective Lazy Ks, Fearless Leader runs a tight ship. He finds trolls, little tatooed people with an assortment of facial and other piercings, unfit to be seen by the public, who can't get a job anywhere else and think working with motorcycles is cool, and pays them $7 an hour to hide in the back and unpack the motorcycles, put the wheels on, and ship them to the various Lazy Ks.
Fearless Leader is an asshole and nobody likes working for him. He is such a dick that the CSB got rid of him, the Lazy K went completely to shit, and they still won't ask him to step in and save the place again by restoring verbal beatdowns and giving the CSB another 28 day vacation.
One little troll finally had enough of Fearless Leader, so he jumped over the fence and drove the forklift into 67 crated motorcycles after work Saturday. Then he knocked over two rows of assembled bikes that were left to age in the sun and rain since last fall. The Crusty Clan spent Monday trying to figure out which little troll hates the Lazy K the most and who left the key in the forklift, so the GOB, (Greedy Old Bitch) can fire him from his $7 an hour job and make sure he never works in this industry again, and have narrowed it down to everyone who works with Fearless Leader. There are a lot of suspects, and Fearless Leader is interrogating all of them.
Old Crusty is shocked and hurt that anyone would want to harm his beloved Lazy K.
All the little trolls and most of the employees at the Mother Ship think it's pretty funny. And it's going to be a while before we get bikes again at any of the stores.
That is absolutely hilarious!PROPS!!!! To the Trolls!
serves those fuckers right
This blog needs to be updated more often
What happen to the advertisiing?
Any infomation please contact Fearless Leader At 614-560-7183 or just give him a call and tell him what a punk bitch he is!
i would have stole the bikes just like one of the parts monkeys stole his own bike
At least I know I'll have a low-paying job in Ohio if I ever leave body piercing (well, as long as the lazyk still exists at that point. ROFL).
I DO need to learn to put together a motorcycle though. Wait, that's not a prerequisite, is it?!!!!
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