Final Check

When we last left the Rhino, she had had enough of the CSB's rantings one day, complained about being sick and left at noon, never to come back. As she was leaving, the CSB shouted for Tits Ahoy to call the police, because the Rhino was driving without a license..

The Rhino called back the following day and told the CSB she had been arrested for driving without a license and spent the night in jail. The CSB told Star to tell the Rhino that the Lazy K needed a copy of the arrest report for her permanent employee record.

The Rhino avoided the Lazy K like the plague and little by little her spirits lifted, and she began to feel happy and alive again, once away from the delusional antics of the CSB and her yapping little mutts.

Then it was time to pick up her check, and the Rhino did the thing she dreaded most, returned to the Lazy K.

The CSB was there, crazy as a rabid cat, and full to the gills of Vicodin and Tit's Ahoy's Percocets. Her eyes were glassy and there was a sheen to her skin. She glowed with sweat and the need for a bath.

The Rhino asked for her check, and that's when the fun started. The CSB said she couldn't have it until she confessed to being the one who started this blog, the one who wrote the blog, and the one who was out to ruin the Lazy K and bring the CSB down.

Fortunately, the Rhino had decided to tape this exchange, and the tape makes for some interesting listening.

The Rhino called the Mother Ship and spoke to the one competent person at the Lazy K, the woman who handles all the money, and asked if there was any reason she couldn't have her paycheck. The Competent woman said no, and instructed the CSB to give the Rhino her check.

Then the CSB told the Rhino that she didn't remember the Poodle's myspace, and the Rhino could have her final check if she told the CSB what the password is to the Poodle's myspace.

The CSB began to cry, because it upset her that she was paying someone $17 an hour to be her friend and this person turned out, like everyone else in her entire life, to have found the point where there isn't enough money at the Lazy K to make it worth your while to be in that toxic dump anymore. The Rhino began to cry too, out of frustration because she wanted her final check and was hoping she wouldn't have to pacify a drugged out psycho in order to get it. She called the Competent woman again, and explained that she doesn't have the Poodle's log in information for myspace.

Tears smearing her eye makeup until she looked like a groupie gang banged by roadies at a Kiss concert, and quite sad to be losing her only paid friend left, the CSB told the Rhino she knew the Rhino and three other people who quit were responsible for the blog, and that if the Rhino confessed and told her the names of everyone responsible, she would get her check.

The Rhino called the Competent woman again. The third time was a charm. The Competent woman got the Old Battleax to call the CSB and tell her to give the fucking Rhino her goddamn check.

As the Rhino was leaving, the CSB shouted across the showroom that she was happy there were no illegal aliens working at the Lazy K anymore.


Anonymous said...

Good for you,that stupied bitch is going to get what coming to her and her whole fucking hillbilly clan...the fun has just started...time for phase two its time to make them pay...

Anonymous said...

Does this monster realize that she is bat-shit crazy? I mean, does she ever have that moment of clarity where she thinks to herself, "Why am I even alive? I am a worthless piece of shit. And I am mean to others on top of it." What a trainwreck. I am so happy to have a front-row seat!!! Keep 'em coming.

Anonymous said...

Evryone should call and tell that cunt to fuck off....

Anonymous said...

Do they have caller ID?

Anonymous said...

No, Doug, they don't. They have what's left of a phone system they bought off ebay. And a toll free number.

Anonymous said...

They used to only have dial up internet but they did manage to upgrade one store to broadband so the csb could look at dick pic's on craigslist.

Anonymous said...

Well I didn't find a Rhino arrested/charged for no operators license in Franklin County in 2007. I think G.C. is in Franklin County.

Anonymous said...

PS: the above are just facts about a fictional character of course.

Anonymous said...

Tryed to make me go to rehab but I say no no no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Its my understanding the csb is never there anymore I bet that place is getting robbed blind..Sir your going to need a down payment I'll collect that now....(and put it in my pocket)whats it matter if you sell it for $8000 or $7500 its over cost and I'm putting $500 in my pocket later bitches!!!!!!!don't forget about the spiffs!!!man I miss working there...will need your first payment up front..oh no you pay me...thanks for the hundred dollars...get you some money suckers.....csb could you sign this all they wanted to give me was $7500 but heres the cash!!!!!don't worry because as far as the bill of sale went they bought it for $7250 what you didn't think the csb was getting her cut?

Anonymous said...

I asked the Rhino about her unfortunate incarceration with the GC police. She stated that they picked her up and cleared the matter of her not having a driver's license. Apparently, she has been legally allowed to drive since October of 2006, just never went and got the actual piece of plastic. I see her driving around in her go-cart every day!

Anonymous said...

Lies, lies, lies and more lies.

Anonymous said...

that place is getting robbed blind, i had a set of tires on my gsxr-1000 that rolled out the back door all i had to do is pay this little twerp 40 bucks i turned around and sold the tires on ebay and made money did this about 6-7 times until the parts manager was no where to be found, then i also quit

Anonymous said...

Patty and Gary, why do you even bother to leave comments on here?

"Anonymous said...
Lies, lies, lies and more lies."

Gary, maybe you should use your position with the State Highway Patrol for good and not evil!

Patty, just say no! Vietnam shoulder is just your excuse to take an overabundance of Vicodin, Adipex, & Somas.

Anonymous said...

Hey CSB! Are you still selling those tickets that you get for free from the radio station? I'd really like to get those tickets for Tim Mcgraw and Faith Hill on the 18th for the Lazy K price. Can you call one of radio reps and see what you can do? Please?

Anonymous said...

"Fortunately, the Rhino had decided to tape this exchange, and the tape makes for some interesting listening."

Can we get a transcript of this?

Anonymous said...

Lies is what you tell your parents!!!!!!and your gay ass boyfriend.....