
We were told today that the FSB has webbed feet, like a frog. Bet she's a hell of a swimmer. But can she catch flies?

Here is an interesting myspace link someone sent us that has nothing to do with the blog. Honest. I swear. Never seen it before. Really. What, you don't believe me? Check out his friends. The starting 5 seem somehow familiar. I may not know their names, but I'm sure they have compelling stories worth telling. If only someone would take the time to make a blog...


Does life imitates art? And if so, is this art, or just the rambled rantings of various pissed off ex and current employees?


66 Underachiever said...

Yes it is art because:

It is the representation of a motorcycle shop first observed by the artist, then transformed to words by the artist and finally interpreted by the viewer.

It illicits an emotional response from the viewer.

It has a cathartic affect on the viewer.

It provides information (craft) but also entertains (art.)

At least one viewer who has seen art declares it art.

To be sure, print the blog. Put it in a glass jar. Piss in the jar. Place it in an empty room. Have at least one adult human being look at it. If they react in any way, the blog is art. (Telling the viewer it is art before viewing is OK).

I hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

for shure it is art real funny art!!!

Anonymous said...

The Big Pood in da HOUSE!

Anonymous said...

Art... much like beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What one may find offensive, another may find breathtaking. I find this blog artful and insightful due to the authors’ ability to capture fictional characters and almost bring them to life. It’s almost as if the authors’ have given life to their subjects and this blog is the canvas. Truly, truly inspiring! A work of art to say the very least.

Anonymous said...

Mmm hmm,work of art. I agree.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the My Space Link! Big Pood's off the hook! Spent some time at looking at the Pood's "friends" and found some interesting. Like Just Me (Gary). Isn't he and his Patty just the cutest? According to one of his pic's comments it was "nice of Patty to take a chance on him." Sounds like Patty was the ONLY one. Apparently not much of a choice around the Grove City area.

Keep pimpin' your bad self Big Pood. You know you got game and it shows the way you run the Powersports store, and all yo ho's!

Anonymous said...

has anyone done a search for lazy k on myspace...they don't have any friends?!! we need to make them the most popular profile on MYSPACE!!!

Anonymous said...

I fucked the CSB and she has zits inside her pussy and gunk that smells like used axle grease in her pussy and her clit has absesses all over it.

Anonymous said...

I always heard the fsb wore skates or she skates alot. May be it was stanks alot she did have quite an aroma of onion rings when I met her. She has webbed feet?I thought that was just her fat ass that made her wobble!

Anonymous said...

So which poor pathetic loser changed his/her myspace profile to private after the blog came out? Enquiring minds want to know.

And what's with the dog and the peanut butter? I guess the CSB takes it where she can get it.

State Highway Patrol, State Highway Patrol

Anonymous said...

Who is Jonnycat? Where in the hell did he come from?

Anonymous said...

just stumbled onto your blog from the friday flash pic (very nice by the way)...ok..ASSUMING the lazy K is ASK and the CSB is the akers daughter running the grove city shop..she used to be drop dead beautiful with a killer body BUT a major drunk/druggie even in the early days...If memory serves I was at a regional motocross qualifying event south of lancaster and a big yellow ASK box van pulls in...it was an all weekend event and they were to set up and sell MX parts and accessories...out she pops in a bikini that left very little to the imagination and higher than a kite and spent most of the day either in a lawn chair or stumbling around the grounds...as a crowd of guys would gather to gawk/buy parts she would put on a show...when asked if she were available as well...there was a smile and "all you gotta do is ask"...more than one person accompanied her in the back of the truck...of course to buy parts i'm sure....but that was then..and this is now..and if the lazy K is not ask and the csb is not the akers girl then none of this really happened....but the blog was cool..

Anonymous said...

Thanks for Friday Flash on CL. Took some time to search , but worth it.

Anonymous said...

If you really wANT TO SEE MY saggy ZIT TITS http://columbus.craigslist.org/rnr/337997909.htmlT TITS

Anonymous said...

Those don't look like old wrinkled up anythings. They look pretty amazing to me.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Those don't look like old wrinkled up anythings. They look pretty amazing to me."

Ah, the sad and quiet lonelyness of internet losers who's only hope for sexual contact is whacking off to internet pictures of the tired and saggy dugs of a 50 year old meth head. There are a lot of things that are pretty amazing in this world. Pyramids, things that move at supersonic speeds, and hot lezbos making out in my living room come readily to mind.

I am not going to run you down and make you feel stupid and inadequate. That would be way too easy. I am instead going to ask you to really think about the term "pretty amazing," and ask yourself why a photo taken with a cell phone that you saw on craigslist merits this description. I await your response.

Anonymous said...

nice tits i will give you a 9 on those
or 500 for a night of fun with those

Madbloggah said...

So Beans is involved in this little attack.

Anonymous said...

This Blog needs more cowbell!

Wait, can we put a cowbell on CSB?

Anonymous said...

Madbloggah said...
"So Beans is involved in this little attack."

Beans is an imaginary character in a work of fiction. What are you?

Madbloggah said...

I supposed the "Friday Flash" is just an imaginary picture aswell. I'm sorry I obviously have problems defining fiction from reality.

Anonymous said...

Madbloggah said...
"I supposed the "Friday Flash" is just an imaginary picture aswell. I'm sorry I obviously have problems defining fiction from reality."

Now you're confusing this blog with other websites. There are no Friday Flashes on this blog.

It appears as if you've invented this madbloggah persona solely to comment on the posts on this blog.

Why do you feel compelled to do so?

Anonymous said...

It was one of your comments or avid veiwers/readers that posted the Craigs List site on this particular comments section. Then "Augie" posted a myspace profile or something. On the Ribbet entry. So ask yourself why play the word game that you cann't possibly compete in?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"It was one of your comments or avid veiwers/readers that posted the Craigs List site on this particular comments section. Then "Augie" posted a myspace profile or something. On the Ribbet entry. So ask yourself why play the word game that you cann't possibly compete in?" 11:59 AM

Who is this addressed to, and why can't you articulate what you are trying to say, much less spell? Are you typing it for someone else who is sitting beside you all fucked up on prescription meds?

Anonymous said...

This blog was so much better when the inmates knew nothing about it.
Now we have have to listen to their lame attempts at defending their queen.