Deep Doo Doo

One of our customers became so enraged at how well the Lazy K managed to destroy his motorcycle in the service department, that he went into the bathroom and spread his own shit on all the walls and the toilet, pretty much everywhere he could, so it looked like an installation from Clyfford Still's angry brown phase. And it smelled pretty bad too.

How angry do you have to be to willingly handle your own feces?

The CSB had Baby Hitler make a sign that said the restroom was out of order, and they left it that way for three months, until we hired a new janitor to clean it up.


66 Underachiever said...

I would guess, "pretty angry."

Anonymous said...

I have turned my friends on to this blog and we are convinced that we know the business and location. The only problem is that we are not the type of "person" who would visit a shop like this in order to witness the CSB. How do we, as GV city dwellers, visit the store w/o the whole staff knowing that we are there b/c of this blog?

Anonymous said...

Julie wonders
"How do we, as GV city dwellers, visit the store w/o the whole staff knowing that we are there b/c of this blog? "

Don't ask for Paco.

Anonymous said...

if you read this blog. please we invite you to ocme visit us. mention that you heard about us in the blog and you're entitled to a special blogger discount. at the very least it will be BIG fun for u.
the LazyK staff

Anonymous said...

I may very well plan my vacation to go to the Lazy K. What a good time will be had by all!

Anonymous said...

The service dept. is like Hotel California - your bike can check out any time it likes but your bike can never leave.

Anonymous said...

just say you are there to buy a gift for a friend if anyone asks.

Anonymous said...

Yes, a blogger discount would combat the pole smoker writing this blog. Wow, who has this much time?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous dijo...
"Yes, a blogger discount would combat the pole smoker writing this blog. Wow, who has this much time? "

How much time does it take you to write a couple paragraphs a day? Are you in special ed?

Anonymous said...

Plus, shit this good just needs to be enjoyed by everyone! Why keep it under wraps for a few to have fun with?

cynical said...

Nice. I work at a car lot, and one day we had a happy customer do the same thing.

I'm getting lots of laughs from you.