Side Business

Mondo and Baby Hitler have an interesting little side business going on at the Lazy K. When Mondo sells a motorcycle, Baby Hitler charges parts to it that the customer didn't order, want or receive, then they sell the parts on Ebay. Now, everybody gets a free helmet, whether or not they get one, and a lot of Honda Shadow riders are buying power commanders and clutch sets for Hayabusas. Check out those prices on Ebay.


Anonymous said...

A. Thank GOD you're back - I was starting to worry the CSB had killed you all.

B. What's up with the repeat? Does the writers' strike reach all the way to the Lazy K?

C. Happy new year! Bonus points for anyone who gets a pic of the CSB passed out in a pool of her own... revelry... and posts a link on this board.


Anonymous said...

HeRpEs hErPeS HeRpEs hErPeS, nO CuRe FoR hErPeS
HeRpEs hErPeS HeRpEs hErPeS, nO CuRe FoR hErPeS
HeRpEs hErPeS HeRpEs hErPeS, nO CuRe FoR hErPeS

Anonymous said...

This is true! I have got some great deals from these guys. Anyone want to buy a leather race suit. The old parts manager got it for me but its the wrong size. It was $1000 new I'll take $50. Never worn. Also I have a stack of shenko tires $25 each.

Anonymous said...

HeRpEs hErPeS HeRpEs hErPeS, nO CuRe FoR hErPeS
HeRpEs hErPeS HeRpEs hErPeS, nO CuRe FoR hErPeS
HeRpEs hErPeS HeRpEs hErPeS, nO CuRe FoR hErPeS
HeRpEs hErPeS HeRpEs hErPeS, nO CuRe FoR hErPeS
HeRpEs hErPeS HeRpEs hErPeS, nO CuRe FoR hErPeS
HeRpEs hErPeS HeRpEs hErPeS, nO CuRe FoR hErPeS

Anonymous said...

Not sure of the relevance of Herpes, but if you are going to kill the blog, don't kill it slowly, just kill it and leave the archives for those unfortunates who have yet to discover the CSB.

Anonymous said...

Shit everyone knows nothing going on in that place but soon the season starts and then we will have full details..We have 3 new moles who work at 2 different stores updates will come soon..

Anonymous said...

VaLtReX vAlTrEx VaLtReX vAlTrEx
VaLtReX vAlTrEx VaLtReX vAlTrEx
VaLtReX vAlTrEx VaLtReX vAlTrEx
VaLtReX vAlTrEx VaLtReX vAlTrEx
VaLtReX vAlTrEx VaLtReX vAlTrEx
VaLtReX vAlTrEx VaLtReX vAlTrEx
VaLtReX vAlTrEx VaLtReX vAlTrEx
VaLtReX vAlTrEx VaLtReX vAlTrEx

Anonymous said...

If this were true you would already know what is going on. The proof is in your blog. Oh nothing is in your blog....

Anonymous said...

Gee I recall a lawsuit that still hasn't gone to court. Oh thats right it wasn't a lawsuit after all. Nice call genius commenters. Looks like some people understand the legal system after all. Yet others are still broke and knowledgeless.

Anonymous said...

Who's broke? I got stacks thats just how it is!

Anonymous said...

i know everyone at ask is broke, at least the ones that do not have a meal ticket,

hey star sorry about your boy heath ledger, looks like no more camping trips