Did anyone else get a call from the CSB last night? She was fine until about 4:00, then she started drooling and reading the blog at work.
So the CSB can't spell worth a damn, but she has learned how to turn off the caps key.
Then she called the Rhino and told her the health insurance is better, and that business is better than ever, and asked her to come back to work. Life for the CSB has been pretty lonely since the Rhino left. There is nobody to share dick pics from craigslist with or cover for the CSB when she takes her 3 hour lunches at the White Swallow buffet. The Meal Ticket is nice, if a little dumb, and absent of personality, and the new fat girl just sits and does nothing. It sucks to be without a paid friend.
Then the CSB called Beans. Beans thought it was one of those calls recovering addicts make to apologize for everything they've done, because of how nice the CSB was to the Rhino.
But the CSB tore into Beans, and told her what an awful person she is for starting the blog.
Then the CSB called a person of interest that she feels bears responsibility for the blog and asked him to "call a truce and give the blog a rest."
The CSB alleges she hasn't read the blog for four months and is having the best year she's ever had. Business is so good that the Lazy K is moving into another hole in the wall. But the CSB is mad because her photo, address, phone number and social security number are on the blog. She is sure she saw it there somewhere. She was completely fucked up and on her way to Freddie Fife's house.
About two hours later, more comments appeared on the blog. They were well spelled, but exhibiting the usual absense from reality.
Does Freddie help the CSB make comments after he fucks her, to shut her up, or before, so she'll shut the fuck up and spread her chubby little thighs?
And why is a veteran law enforcement official associating with a drug addict anyway? Maybe a story about a true incident where Stuper Trooper Fife tried to get a woman to leave her date and go out with him might be in order. He's all class, that Fife.
You know there was a short time when she was off the drugs that she was a fun person with a great outlook on life. Since she got back on the pills she has made alot of bad decisions.She has jacked up alot of peoples lives with her actions.She had a good set of loyal employee's who worked for her and made more money than that store ever made!Now you have to come with grips that the blog will never die! There are to many employees past and present that contribute to the blog and want there stories told.Customers know about the blog too and are happy to contibute.You've surrounded yourself with people that enable you to use drugs and take advantage of you. I guess this is just what happens to people with no heart!
TO CSB: WOW! Well written comment. I agree totally. Don't think for one minute that everyone you surround yourself with are loyal. You have employees there that are stabbing you in back the moment that you are "having a meeting" in the back room. The sales people are making $5 deals that you approve and they don't care as long as they get their spiffs. The parts people are letting parts and accessories go out the back door. You used to have people there that actually cared about you but got tired of being treated like shit after 5 years of dedicated service. I really cared about you and it breaks my heart that you are acting this way. We used to rely on each other for strength but you turned to substances and they have changed your personality. There is no need to call me again unless you want a real friend to help you with your well-known problem. I have dealt with addiction and know how to help you overcome it. I hope that the engagement actually leads to marriage and that you and Freddy are happy. I want to be your friend again as soon as you can be sincere and honest with me and yourself. All I can say is I miss the real PA and good luck with this month's upcoming trial.
TO FREDDY FIFE: Congrats on your engagement. Please e-mail me if and when you need help trying to get her back to earth. DO NOT LET HER CONVINCE YOU THAT THERE ISN'T A PROBLEM. I really care about her and knew what she was like before the problem got out of hand. She was a great woman and can be once again with some help.
Give me them handcuffs I'll take care of that Red Snapper!!!!
So did this attempted date snatching occur at The Home Depot?
The Home Depot you can do we can watch!
Go Bucks!
Anonymous said...
Go Bucks!
Somebody wants to be stabbed in the chest with a pencil.
That's almost as bad as a tack in your chair!!!!
i watched the whole tack thing unfold funniest thing i ever seen
Thank You,some of my best work!
i wish the lazyk had cameras i would have stolen the tape of that and put it all over the internet. but the thing that made it so funny was when one of the inmates tried to stab the other inmate with said tack hahahahahaha
Uou are so embrassed of your Fat, jail house tattooed mail oder bride you won't show us a picture? I heard she has a drinking/drug problem. eatind up all you profit ,is she....HA HA HA HA
Mr. Pill is in the house...
What is Mr.Pill???????????
Motovista.blogspot.com has a striking simularity to the CSB.blogspot...now how could George be the one that started this blog.
You are one dumb bitch!!!If I were you I would just give up on a having a life.
These two really love each other but they both are so fucked up they can't see straight!
Patty really wanted George but was afraid of what everyone else would think!She saved his message about going to Florida for the weekend and played it over and over she thought about going down there but was afraid that someone would find out I wouldn't be suprised that they didn't hook up and he fell in love with her and all she wanted was to get boned!
Oh by the way this isn't Kim!
That dumb bitch can't even spell marry right.What a fuckin retard!
Ok, I am lost. Whis is George? Is it Star?
George is Mondo.
We made much,much, MUCHO more money this season. Hummmm I think we cut the fat worked harded. and got rid of some over paid fat lazy people. Change is good! Our new staff is awesome. All reps have mentioned to me what a much more organzied pleasant place this is. So I say out with the OLD and in with the NEW..YEE-HAW I'm pretty smart for a backward hilly billy. Not bad looking, a bod that rocks and a full bank account. not to mention the 2ct rock on my finger. I'd say life is great. happy happy loving life! Thanks for getting us out of your drama world countless DUIs, b/f running over you with the van, stick in the leg, month stay aat a mental hospital. Good God girl you have issues. Try the 12 step program. I would think sit on your giant butt all day isn't helping. What are you up to now 500-550lbs? have a nice life cow eyes......love ya man but GET HELP SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow these are definitely people that have absolutely nothing good going on outside of work. Especially the one doing the blogging and all the little minions egging her on. Way to go losers.
I just started reading and this is soo awesome.... I am a former "Troll" and I watched alot of this go down and to see it all out like this is sooo funny...
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