Credit Hold

The Lazy K is on credit hold with Suzuki and Yamaha.

This is not a good thing.

Despite taking drastic costcutting measures like cutting the eight people who've endured the Lazy K for longer than 5 years from 3 to 2 weeks of vacation, cutting the CSB and FSB's salaries, and changing the healthcare program to one that really sucks, then changing that within six months to one that straight up sucks donkey dick harder than the CSB looking to cop some vicodin and costs the employees 4 times more, so there are employees paying over $1000 a month to insure their families while making slightly more than the US poverty baseline and being subject to constant vitriol from a hillbilly clan one step crazier than a tribe of rabid racoons, the Lazy K can't pay it's bills.

Now hiring for all positions.


Anonymous said...

The people that are left are just to stupied to get a job anywhere else...somebody tell Starr that we are not going to hire him get the hint and quit calling.....Although you think your a salesmanager your far from it...I wouldn't even consider you a good salesman...

Anonymous said...

I don't get the "gay Apache ponytail" thing. Is it an inside joke about Star? God, I love this bolg!

Anonymous said...

Where is the story about the CSB's Birthday ??? It was there thismorning???? happy B-day You Bitch too bad youll be too fucked up to remember

Lester said...

Anonymous said...

"Where is the story about the CSB's Birthday ??? It was there thismorning???? happy B-day You Bitch too bad youll be too fucked up to remember"

We're checking our sources to make sure we got it right. Anybody want to let us know?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Can anyone say class action many employee's have been burned?"

All of them?

Anonymous said...

"being subject to constant vitriol from a hillbilly clan one step crazier than a tribe of rabid racoons"

I just about died when I reaed that....great!

The number was for the consumer proctection agency. I Googled it... I doubt that it is legit, I think somebody is just yanking your chain.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else see the hillbilly clan at the race track on fathersday?

Anonymous said...

Bringing sexy back at the race track! Ha!

Anonymous said...

I miss the great pictures. When can we expect them to pop back up?

Anonymous said...

I miss the pictures too. Did anybody else notice that isn't up anymore? How else is she going to meet new hillbillies?

Anonymous said...

I still get the Patty Ackers website.

Anonymous said...

you can still google her..hmmm..sounds kinky

Anonymous said...

I guess this blogg wasn't water proof. The small rain storms must have put the fire out.

Anonymous said...

I called that number and followed through with contacting the people at the Consumer Protection Agency!! I get to go to court with them as a witness in September!! YEA!!!

Anonymous said...

As a witness for what?

Anonymous said...

per the Better Business Bureau

-Ohio Attorney General's Office Consumer Protection Section at 614-466-8831 or 800-282-0515.

- Franklin County Common Pleas Court Civil Division Clerk of Courts at 614-462-3621 concerning case 06CVH-5-6442.

6/22/2007 9:14 PM