Hot or Sick?

"Beans, Rhino, to the office please!"

Beans and Rhino went to the back office where they found their boss and her sister with a camera and twisted grins on their faces. After the door was shut and locked, the CSB pulled the FSB's jeans down and told the Rhino to take a picture. The FSB was wearing three types of underwear. First a thong, then full legged fish nets, and then white see through granny panties.

The CSB made red welts on her sisters ass with her hand. Then she told her sister to show some cleavage and had pictures taken again. The CSB wanted to send these pictures to the FSB's boyfriend. But the FSB distracted her by saying, "your turn."

The CSB pulled off her jeans and showed Beans her Tigger underwear and asked, "Do these make me look like and old woman?"

Trust me, its not the underwear that makes anyone look old.

After the FSB returned the spankings to her sister, they down loaded the pictures to the office computer. The CSB, being an old pro at this, started sending them to all the men she slept with. And The FSB ran out the door with her camera before her sister could send the dirty picture out.

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