Old Crusty and Polaris had a falling out. They want to be paid for their product, and we can't. So Old Crusty did the only reasonable thing a man of his importance in the world of Powersports can do. He watched them repossess their products.
Three big trucks came and loaded all the Polaris ATVs and Victory motorcycles up. Now we have room for all the left over 2006 models we are paying flooring on, and if we get our finances straightened out, plenty of room for new models too.
Star got some lunch time pussy from a girl who came in looking for a scooter, and the CSB is still fucking the only straight guy in Dog Agility. Paco finally caved in and gave her his wife's pregnancy vicodin and the CSB was as nice to him as she is to her mother's dogs until he couldn't get a refill. So he fed Bandit a pair of left over Taco Bell tacos that he forgot were in his desk over the weekend.
Famous Nobody smacked his girlfriend around when she complained that 9.8 seconds is a good time in a drag race, but not in the sack, so there may be an opening in service for 6 to 24 months.
Thank god we have news....I thought they were movin into a big store...
We should have no problem reaching 100,000 veiw's this season!!!
It hurts when I pee!
What's all this stuff about lately?Does someone we know have herpes please tell.....
9.8 seconds thats way to funny
Welcome back!
The lawsuit has really taken it's toll on the old lazyk.
I've been waiting all winter to hear what these dillweeds have been up to.Is Star and his meal ticket still working there?
Anonymous said...
What's all this stuff about lately?Does someone we know have herpes please tell.....
2/19/2008 11:44 AM
Maybe you should ask on of the authors, or her girlfriend.
i dont think famous nobody would ever hit a female. we nothing but the facts
Whats this I hear about Star got his vtx1300 repo'd you better stop spending that girls money...
Are you saying that beans has herpes
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