Bad Star, No Gixxer

All he had to do was make the payments.

Star convinced the Meal Ticket that his bad credit was the result of bad things happening to him and bad things other people had done. So to make him happy and live with her, the Meal Ticket let Star run up her credit to buy a Suzuki GSXR600, and a big screen TV, and max out everything else in her name, as long as he made the payments.

The way the program works is that if Star makes the payments on time, he gets to ride the GSXR for $99 a month. If he doesn't, the interest rate jumps to loan shark and the payment triples.

Because the Lazy K is experience record declining sales, lawsuits and a lack of potential employees willing to work for a psychotic pill popping despot and her little rent boy, Star's bonuses haven't quite equalled all the new debt his Meal Ticket took on. So he was late making the $99 payment.

Between the two of them, Star and the Meal Ticket couldn't get the lender to lower the payment back to something they could pay together if she hangs out at the Lazy K and answers the phones and makes sure Star isn't having sex with the CSB now that Freddie Fife is dumping her cazy ass and the Rhino isn't around to rebuild her myspace and type for her so she sounds intelligent and coherent while she trolls for new meat on the internet, so the Meal Ticket put her foot down and told Star the Gixxer has to go.

Of course, Star still owes about what he paid for it, so his only alternative was to get another motorcycle. And the only lender who will finance Star's Meal Ticket at this point is Honda. Fortunately, the Lazy K bought a whole truckload of old VTX1300s for $5900 each. So Star was able to get out of the Gixxer and onto an old man's motorcycle nobody wanted for two years in a row, and the payments are only about double what he promised to pay last time and didn't.

The Meal Ticket doesn't mind. There's space for her big ass on the back of the new bike.


Anonymous said...

I love it when folks are smart with their money. Lenders like it too.

Anonymous said...

This is their sales manager!!!!Oh God!!!!This place is unbelievable what a hoot!!!

Anonymous said...

It's not the fault of Star, it's those Republican-backed money lenders. The state should protect idiots from themselves. Sue the crazy lenders. Only well-off people should be able to kick it on a VTX, never mind a Gixxer.

Anonymous said...

The Meal Ticket seems really nice. why is she with such a loser?

Anonymous said...

She must have low self-esteem.

Anonymous said...

She must have low self-esteem.....

........and/or low standards

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Starr having gay butt sex with the Meal Ticket's cousin?

Anonymous said...

Actually, the Meal Ticket is a spoiled single child that was never told "no." Star is/was so laid back when they met that she felt she got another "yes ma'am." Now poor Star is stuck in a dead end job and is a whipping boy to two spoiled brats! I wish Star was still single. He was much more fun back in the day!

Anonymous said...

Star played himself!